

In today’s video we are going to talk about Emotional Intelligence Tips:

In today’s video we are going to talk about Emotional Intelligence Tips: Develop self-awareness to understand your emotions. Practice empathy to connect with others' emotions. Manage emotions effectively to maintain composure.Action Steps: Reflect on your emotional triggers and responses. Actively listen to others' perspectives and validate their feelings. Implement stress management techniques like deep breathing or meditation.Takeaways: Emotional intelligence enhances relationships and decision-making. Empathy fosters trust and collaboration. Emotion regulation promotes resilience and well-being.


In today’s video we are going to talk about Innovation and Creativity Tips

In today’s video we are going to talk about Innovation and Creativity Tips: Foster a culture that encourages experimentation and risk-taking. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to innovation. Provide resources and support for creative endeavors.Action Steps: Host brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas. Create a safe space for employees to share unconventional thoughts. Allocate time and resources for innovation projects.Takeaways: Innovation drives competitive advantage and growth. Failure fuels learning and improvement. Creativity sparks breakthrough solutions.


Effective Communication

In today’s video we are going to talk about Effective Communication to create an environment that is safe space to express their feelings and concerns Tips: Listen actively and empathetically. Be concise and articulate in your messaging. Adapt communication style to different audiences. Action Steps: Practice active listening exercises. Develop and rehearse key messages for clarity. Seek feedback on your communication style. Takeaways: Listening builds rapport and understanding. Clear communication reduces misunderstandings. Flexibility in communication enhances influence. Share a struggle you have faced with communication


Building High-Performing Teams

In today’s video we are going to talk about Building High-Performing Teams to set everyone up for success Tips: Hire for both skill and culture fit. Foster a culture of trust and collaboration. Provide ongoing feedback and recognition. Action Steps: Conduct team assessments to identify strengths and gaps. Invest in team-building activities and workshops. Implement regular check-ins and performance reviews. Takeaways: Diversity within teams drives innovation. Trust fuels engagement and productivity. Continuous feedback promotes growth and development. Be transparent without saying names or job duties about a previous team member who brought more stress and chaos to team vs value


Setting vision and goals for success!

In today’s video we are going to talk about Setting Vision and Goals for Success Tips: Define your long-term vision clearly. Break down the vision into achievable goals. Ensure alignment between personal and organizational goals. Action Steps: Schedule dedicated time for strategic planning. Communicate the vision and goals with your team. Develop a roadmap with milestones to track progress. Takeaways: Clarity breeds alignment and commitment. Regularly review and adapt goals as needed. Effective communication is key to execution. Share a brief story about how your goal setting helped you grow personally and professionally


Announcement of upcoming show

Announcement of upcoming show


Manifesting abundance in Leadership

Manifesting abundance in Leadership


Strategic Agility and Resilience

In today's fast-paced world, leaders face unprecedented challenges." But amidst uncertainty, one trait stands out: Strategic Agility. Strategic Agility is the ability to pivot, innovate, and thrive in dynamic environments. Coupled with Resilience, it forms the backbone of effective leadership. Resilient leaders embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. In a world of constant change, Strategic Agility and Resilience aren't just qualities but necessities for success. Final Comment: Lead with agility. Lead with resilience.

Strategic Agility and Resilience

Overcoming Obstacles

How to overcome obstacles Resilience: Highlight the importance of resilience in overcoming obstacles. Emphasize that setbacks are inevitable, but we can bounce back and adapt, ultimately determining our success. Mindset Shift: Discuss the power of shifting one's mindset from seeing obstacles as roadblocks to viewing them as opportunities for growth. Encourage viewers to reframe challenges as chances to learn, innovate, and improve. Perseverance: Stress the significance of perseverance in the face of adversity. Share stories of individuals who persisted through difficulties and achieved their goals, illustrating the value of determination and persistence in overcoming obstacles. By focusing on these three key points, the video can inspire and empower viewers to tackle challenges with a positive attitude and unwavering determination.


Building Resilience

Resilience Definition: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, challenges, or setbacks. It's capacity to adapt, cope, and thrive in the face of difficulties. Adversity as Growth: Resilience involves recognizing that adversity is a natural part of life and viewing it as an opportunity for personal growth and development. It's about learning from setbacks and using them to become stronger and more capable. Positive Coping Strategies: Resilience entails developing and utilizing positive coping strategies to navigate challenging times. This may include seeking support from others, practicing self-care, maintaining a positive outlook, and problem-solving effectively. Building Resilience: Resilience is not a fixed trait but a skill that can be cultivated and strengthened over time. It builds emotional, mental, and social resilience through practice, self-reflection, and perseverance. These key points and definitions can help viewers understand the concept of resilience and how they can apply it in their own lives to overcome challenges and thrive. Quote to Life by "Life's challenges are the weights that build our resilience muscles. Lift them with grace and strength!

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Keep the energy for the year


Importance Of Sharing Goals

Importance of Sharing Goals Building a Cohesive and Aligned Team: Stress the significance of sharing collective goals within the immediate circle, whether it be a leadership team or a specific department. When everyone is aware of and committed to shared goals, it fosters a sense of unity and collaboration. This alignment is crucial for achieving objectives efficiently and promoting an inclusive and cohesive working environment. Optimizing Resources and Expertise: Highlight how openly sharing goals within the immediate circle allows for better utilization of resources and expertise. When team members are aware of each other's goals, they can leverage their strengths and skills to support one another. This collaboration enhances problem-solving, innovation, and overall performance. Strengthening Communication and Trust: Emphasize the role of shared goals in enhancing communication and trust within the immediate circle. When goals are transparently communicated, it builds trust among team members and leaders. This trust is essential for effective collaboration, as individuals feel secure in sharing their ideas and challenges, leading to a more resilient and adaptive team.

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Goal Setting and Goal Reviews


Talent Creates Your Purpose

In this video we talk about how all of us have God given talent or talents, but we must utilize them. When we utilize our talents and we walk in our purpose… We are destined to achieve success, prosperity and fulfillment!

Download Marques Ogden Talent Creates Your Purpose

Expand Out Of Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is where dreams go to die! You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable! This video will give you the inspiration needed to push out of your comfort zone, to achieve what your heart desires!!!

Download Marques Ogden Get Uncomfortable

Set A Target, Achieve A Target, Set A New Target

In this video we delve into, how important it is to never set limitations on yourself and how important it is to know the directions to get to your targeted destination and beyond… Hope you enjoy!!!

Down laodMarques Ogden Set A Target PDF

Determination Creates Prosperity

In this video we talk about how you have to pursue what your heart desires relentlessly and endlessly to the edge of the earth and beyond…. This video will give you action steps and tips to help you develop that never ending burning desire, to pursue what your heart desires!!!

Download PERSISTANCE Post It Notes

Never Ending Pursuit Of Your Dreams

In this video we talk about how you have to pursue what your heart desires relentlessly and endlessly to the edge of the earth and beyond…. This video will give you action steps and tips to help you develop that never ending burning desire, to pursue what your heart desires!!!

Download Invested Identifying Your Why & Purpose

Mentally Prepared To Go All The Way

In this video we talk about how important it is to be prepared to go the distance in all that you do in life…. Life is not easy, it’s not linear, it’s not straight lined. But, if you are mentally ready to endure anything that comes your way, you can achieve greatness and this video will help you do that more efficiently and effectively

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The Power Of An Unbreakable Mindset!

When you have a mindset that never breaks, no matter how much adversity you have to endure, you are setting yourself up for massive success! In this video, we share the power of the acronym MINDSET, to welcome you into our world of how we push through the most extremely adverse circumstances, to achieve the outcomes we desire!

Download Marques Ogden Mindset