STOP these 5 things if you struggle to close a sale….


The majority of salespeople are highly trained in the information part of their sales. They also are
very knowledgeable about their product or service. However, many individuals struggle with closing out the transaction. The key to a successful close is knowing the balance of product/service information vs. personal benefits.

Looking to close more sales and increase your profitability?

STOPPING these 5 things is a must...

1. “Getting Fixated on the price point.”

How can you bring value to them?

What type of ROI can they expect on the investment of your product/service?

Is the ROI going to be more than just financial?  

Will it bring emotional, and mental stability to your clients business vision?

2. “Offering them more time to think about it…”

The more time you give someone to think about it the more likely, they will pass up your offer.

Get them set up within the first call or call back of interest.  

Having a follow-up call within a week is essential.  

Studies show almost 55 percent of people who are spoken to on the second call within a week, are more likely to get sold that product or service by the salesperson.  

3. “There’s no pressure / I get it..”  

Instead of putting pressure on the customer to buy something, focus on increasing the value your product or service can provide for them.  

Show them ways that you can positively impact their lives, with your fantastic product and immaculate customer service.  

4. “Feel free to reach out anytime”…”

Keep your calendar open for individuals who find value in your services/product but don’t be someone who wastes time on potential clients who are obviously not serious about buying your products.

 Learn to show others your time/service is valuable.

Set this tone early, and you will save a lot of your precious, valuable time.

5. “Check your options and let me know.”

Be in control of getting the “know.”

Always schedule a follow-up call before hanging up call.

Don't’ allow them time to shop around, instead show them value at the beginning and make them not wanna shop around.  

This is why I like to have my follow up calls within a week.  It’s not too aggressive, while at the same time it allows you to stay present in that potential client's mind.

Mastering the art of communication and body language is essential to sales also.

There are 2 types of salespeople:

1. The Farmer:

Plants seeds/Markets to many different sources But waits patiently to nurture relationships.

Does the preparation to achieve the best results/Researching the client.

Harvest the crop/Knowing how and when to approach the client.

2. The Hunter

Go in for the kill right away, Not patient.

Overaggressive can seem desperate

‍In conclusion:

If you learn to stop doing the 5 things above, along with learning how to be a more of a farmer and not so much of always trying to be the hunter, you will start to see a much more successful track record with your brand.

Marques Ogden, Keynote Speaker