Investing in yourself is essential to drive growth, create balance, and stay inspired.


It can be a training course,attending an event, hiring a coach, or a self-growth book. But this purchase had to be something that is going to stimulate your mind and inspire you.Running a business, I know it gets incredibly busy and usually you are the last to be invested in, however, its the first thing that we should be doing.

Investing in yourself as the leader is an essential aspect of moving yourself, your team, and brand forward.It’s important for you to invest time and money into the growth and development of your team and brand. This ensures others that your team is built on highly skilled professionals, who are always learning new things. It also ensures others that they will be able to work on skills that they may not feel 100%confident in, or they may be able to add knowledge of a new skill, due to the way you invest into your brand and its team members currently.

Investing in yourself is essential to drive growth, create balance, and stay inspired. With investing in the self-growth area of your team and brand, you will see an increase in morale, energy, and growth within your brand.  When people feel good about themselves they tend to not only work harder for the brand, they end up inspiring others around them to work hard and be successful too!  Remember the energy and effort that is put into your self-growth is going to determine the return of investment. You cannot just go through the motions, and you must be 100% fully engaged and committed to the process.  If you are not going to be fully engaged, then don't even bother starting the venture in the first place.

Ways to invest in yourself :

1.    Read something inspiring

2.    Hire a coach/mentor

3.    Attend any educational events

4.    Take online courses/webinars

5.    Have daily goals personally and professionally

One of the best things I ever did for myself was hiring an executive coach to work with me on my professional development, strategy, and sharpening my leadership skills.  I was a little bit hesitant at first, as I thought I could do it all on my own. The money I invested in paying my coach ended up coming back to me with a HUGE profit in less than 3 months.  My overall strategy approach, leadership skills, listening skills, and most importantly my ability to take constructive criticism got so much better!  With vast improvements in these areas my abilities got so much better.  Especially in communication, strategy implementation, and patience as well.

So I am going to challenge you today, hire an executive coach.  Someone who can hold you accountable,someone who can help you devise a plan to reach your vision and goals, someone who you know has your best interest at heart.  I am fairly confident this investment will pay huge dividends in the long run.  But remember this one important thing, ONLY HIRE AN EXECUTIVE COACH WHEN YOU ARE READY TO GO ALL IN,AND BE FULLY INVESTED IN REACHING YOUR GOALS AND VISION!!!

Marques Ogden, Keynote Speaker