Humans are not creatures of logic; Humans are creatures of emotions. Power of Emotions behind closing "deals."


Humans are not creatures of logic; Humans are creatures of emotions. Power of Emotions behind closing "deals."
How to Leverage Powerful Emotions to help close SALES.

FOMO - Fear of Missing out

  • Show your clients different results of current customers similar to the industry that has seen great success with your brand.

  • Know what business pain your product solves long term and not just a "quick fix."

FEAR - shows "broken pieces."

  • Identify your client's "broken process" that causes them to fall behind their competitors.

  • Share with them what they have to lose by continuing down the road they are on and how your product can resolve their problems. (Removing their FEAR)

EXCITEMENT - creates urgency

  • Find out what drives excitement for each client.

  • Let them be physically (touch, feel, and smell) involved with understanding the product personally - Let them get their hands "dirty."

HOPE - identifies the "pain points."

  • Create a sense of hope for a better tomorrow

  • Identify their systems and processes-

What type of process they use-

What does a day in "their life" looks like-

Consumers think with both their rational and emotional brains. Several studies share that when clients buy, it's for emotional reasons. Logical buying comes more into play when trying to justify "spending" the money because it's more of a want than a need.

When you know what inspires and drives your ideal prospects, you can use powerful emotions to leverage more sales and enhance current customer relationships.

People like the feeling of having power and being able to accomplish things more effectively and efficiently ahead of their competitors.