3 Ways to Repurpose Content and Win More Customers


3 Ways to Repurpose Content and Win More Customers

If you poll a variety of people about which type of content they would rather see online, you will receive various answers. Some love to read, while others prefer watching a video or scrolling through social media platforms about the same subject.

Some people learn best when they look at infographics, while others learn best when they listen to podcasts. No matter what your focus strategy is, your ideal customers will understand differently. Creating multimedia content is a way to get all of these customers into your sales.

It all comes down to how people learn: visually, aurally, through reading and writing, and movement. If you don't pay attention to one of these styles, you're ignoring a part of your audience that also needs help solving a problem. Don't worry that this will add a lot to your work. Using simple techniques, you can quickly get four times as much content by reusing your content in different ways. Here's what you need to do:

1. Use the channel you feel most comfortable with to make content.
If writing is your favorite thing, start by writing a blog post. Make a video if you are good at talking. The idea is that you should make your first piece of content with the channel you're most familiar with so you don't find reasons not to do it. Put out the content and start spreading the word about it.

2. Make a video, transcript, audio course, or infographic out of this information.

If you begin with a blog post, record yourself reading it and use it in your podcast or as a bonus for people who sign up for your email list. If you made a video first, order a transcript to post with the video for people who would instead read than watch. I advise hiring professionals to do transcription, design video slide decks, or make graphics, so you don't have any more reasons not to repurpose.

3. Put content together and make it into profitable material.

After a few months of making and reusing content, you'll have quite a library, but don't let it sit and gather dust. Make an eBook out of written blog posts. Make an audio class from a group of audio files. Make a tutorial or class lesson out of several webinars. Bundling is a type of repurposing that makes it easy to create a new product to sell or use as a lead magnet.

Bonus Tip: Cross Promote your platforms on every piece of content.

Marques Ogden, Keynote Speaker